This Infrared (IR) remote control unit for PC-control is compatible (Plug and Play) with all popular Windows versions (Windows 2000, CE, XP, 7, MCE, Vista) and does not need a driver to be installed.
In scope of supply you will find an IR-receiver unit which gets connected to an USB port of your PC. The maximum range is 18 meters.
With the integrated mouse-function you can steplessly control the mouse pointer in a very comfortable way. In addition the controller has 37 buttons whose functions are remappable with freeware utilities.
The "Numlock" button extends the functionality again by giving possibility to enter text (just like you know it from cell phones).
The remote controller is a perfect input device for controlling a Car-PC or HTPC (Home Theater PC).
Specifications :
- PC-Interface : USB
- Plug and Play (no driver installation needed)
- Windows 2000, CE, XP, 7, MCE, Vista
- Energy : 2x AAA-batteries (not included)
- IR-range : 18 meters
- Dimensions of controller unit : 185 x 51 x 28mm
Scope of supply :
- Remote controller
- Infrared-receiver with USB-connector
- Quickstart-Guide
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Customer ratings:

Average rating, based on 5 ratings
Ottimo accessorio, comprato per l'HTPC di casa. Almeno puoi gestire il mouse e le funzioni principali stando seduto comodamente in poltrona